Romance on Wheels

Writing is a dream come true for me.  Reading was something that helped me escape unpleasant things in life.  Being able to blog about books that transport me to different times and places, well that's another dream come true.


Undressing the Billionaire (Her Billionaire, #1)

Undressing the Billionaire (Her Billionaire, #1) - Melinda Hale I received this book for free for an honest review.

This book is a mess. It is scattered and hard to read. The characters are so unlikeable.

Gabrielle meets a billionaire. She tells herself she doesn’t care about his money, but all she thinks about is his car, his nice house, how much money he has. At one point he tells her he isn’t a billionaire any longer but will be again by the end of the year. At first she almost worries because he isn’t a billionaire any longer. On top of it, she is disappointed when he shows up to meet her in a Shelby Mustang. She’s irritated that he only has a Mustang, and then when she says she’s thirsty, he tells her there are drinks in the cooling unit and she thinks to herself, “well of course he would have something as useless as that in his expensive car.” She can’t make up her mind about whether she wants his money or not.

She visits her father one day and decides she needs to tell Ric the truth, that she isn’t pregnant. Instead of going to him or waiting to see him again, she texts him and tells him what street she is on, sitting in her car. So, he’s supposed to drop everything and meet her during the middle of the day? What??? She was worried about him not being a billionaire and then she wants him to leave work?

At one point, having sex in his car, he reaches for his belt,
“Let me,” she breathed.
Ric smiled and leaned back. Gabrielle loosened the belt, noticing that it was genuine leather…”
Why wouldn’t it be genuine leather? This is page 115 of 145! Seriously, Gabrielle is the most shallow, unlikeable woman.

Ric is an unlikeable ass. He throws money around like it’s no big deal. No wonder he isn’t a billionaire anymore! One night they have sex, he gets up the next morning and leaves a check on her dresser. Um, hello!!!! Prostitution much?

At one point they are at his house and he has on a robe. She wonders if he’s naked under the robe. Three paragraphs and some very clunky conversation later, he opens his robe as he is kissing her and she says she hears him unzipping his pants. I thought she wondered if he was naked. Didn’t she see is pant legs? They quickly have sex on the kitchen table and he pulls his shirt on. What happened to the robe and where did the shirt come from?
The story has an interesting premise, but the stilted writing and unlikeable characters make me feel like I don’t really care.