Romance on Wheels

Writing is a dream come true for me.  Reading was something that helped me escape unpleasant things in life.  Being able to blog about books that transport me to different times and places, well that's another dream come true.


Couldn't wait for this one, can't wait for more.

Arielle Immortal Seduction - Lilian Roberts

The continuation of Arielle and Sebastian's love brings more longing, a vicious assault and the coming together of friends to fight the evil threatening to tear Arielle and Sebastian apart.


Can't wait for more!

Beautifully written!

Arielle Immortal Awakening (Immortal Rapture #1) - Lilian Roberts

A mortal soul + an immortal man = timeless love.  Follow Arielle as she encounters evil forces while trying to hold on to her immortal love.


Sorrow's Edge - Danielle DeVor

What do you get when you get a defrocked priest, a witchy girlfriend, a spirit from your last exorcism and a strange phone call?  You get Sorrow's Edge a wonderfully written, interesting story that will leave you thinking. Great job Danielle.



Being a Vampire Sucks!

The Devil's Liege - Danielle DeVor

Danielle has a way with words.  She also has a vivid imagination and ability to bring her imagination live in her stories.  Devil's Liege is no exception.  Come and live with Mathias as he risks everything to save his friend and his kingdom.



I Love Vampires!

Tail of the Devil - Danielle DeVor

Mathias has his work cut out for him. He must grow up fast, learn rules he finds ridiculous and protect himself from the evil Queen. Uh Oh.  I'm on team Mathias!


I found this book so interesting and I can't wait for more from Danielle. Oh, and I'm also on team Danielle!


Must Read

Donavan: From Michael Bunker's World of  - D.K. Cassidy

Donovan is a young mad who is forced to make tough choices in his life.  Leaving behind the peaceful life in Amish country to join forces with a group of rebels he never dreamed he would side with. Wonderfully written and hard to put down.


TURTLE WISH - Murielle Cyr

This is a fabulous story for youngsters.  Thank you Murielle for an entertaining story.

Will Read More of Murielle's Books

Culloo - Murielle Cyr

Murielle writes characters that I love immediately. The voice of the main character immediately drew me in and held me captive through the entire book.


Catori's Worlds - Murielle Cyr

This is a fabulous YA read. Murielle has written a compelling wonderful story with a lead character I would love to know myself.

Great 5 Star Read!

Suzanne Steele's review
Jul 25, 14



Dog has raised his twin sons with the help of his mother and sister-in-law. He built his motorcycle business, Rolling Thunder Motorcycles, Inc. from the ground up. He's a veteran and believes in supporting other veterans. What he didn't know, was when he met Joci, his life would change. He became obsessed with her and getting to know her.

Joci was enamored with Jeremiah from the moment she met him but, because of past hurts, she just couldn't get involved. They worked together organizing a Veteran's Ride for Rolling Thunder. Getting to know him as a person, was paramount to becoming involved with him.

As they finally start their relationship, the ride begins. LuAnn has always thought Dog would be hers. What she doesn't realize is that she is nothing that Dog wants. But her jealousy of Joci will test their budding relationship in more ways than one. Can they survive LuAnn's shenanigans?

This is the story of a relationship we all want to have. A devoted man, great kids, businesses that are thriving and family members that support at any cost. Happily ever after is a definite, and the drama is kept to a minimum. It's really nice to read a story where the angst is at a minimum and the love abounds. To read about families that aren't at each other's throats all the time and truly love each other. That doesn't mean there aren't times that I wanted to see what would happen next. The roller coaster that Dog and Joci go on is believable, endearing and utterly sigh worthy.
"We live in the land of the free, because of the brave."

Owning Rolling Thunder Motorcycles, Inc. and raising his twin sons was top priority in Dog’s life. That was until he met Jocelyn James, the sweet, loving single mother of Gunnar, a young man who works for Dog.


Joci raised Gunnar alone after her cheating, dickhead of a boyfriend ran off with another woman. She finished school, started her own graphic design business and hung out with friends and family. The last thing on her mind was men! That is until she met Dog.


The chemistry is undeniable. The passion is incredible. The family bond is like no other.


This Book has it all.

The Immortal Prince of Egypt - J.S. Lewis

The Immortal Prince of Egypt is historical, fun, dramatic, and adventurous.

Amun belongs to a tribe in Egypt, Africa.- J.S. Lewis has a fantastic imagination is using the Transatlantic slave trade- Amun sets out on a dangerous quest, leaving behind the girl he loves, Dalilah, his best friend, Tarik, his father, Gahiji and brother, Darius.

Returning from his journey victorious, he finds that his extended absence has left the ones he loved to move on with their lives, thinking him dead. Life will never be the same for any of them.

This book has so much to offer and I am eagerly looking forward to book 2.


The Dust of Us: Poems

The Dust of Us: Poems - Michelle Boske This is a collection of poems that will stay on your mind long after you are finished reading them. Beautifully crafted collection that I highly recommend.

Captain Jack's Wet Dream

Captain Jack's Wet Dream - Gale Stanley CAPTAIN JACK’S WET DREAM - If you like older man-younger man romance, shifters, paranormal, multicultural - fast-paced, sexy, hot, emotional, Key West setting, then this book is certainly for you. Gale Stanley does it right.

Armageddon Cometh

Armageddon Cometh - J.K. Accinni Ooo, saving animals, plot twists and all sorts of goodies are inside this book. Wonderfully written, Armegeddon Cometh will keep you riveted to your seat and turning pages faster than you can imagine.